Website Temporary Closed

Hello everyone. We are moving to a new, bigger premises so website ordering will be closed for the next month while we move everything to our new building, reorganise and do a full stock take. We will not be taking any orders or able to reply to any messages during this time. We will be open again at the start of December. Many thanks. Console Passion

Buy Super famicom - Consoles For Sale at Console Passion

You are about to experience a whole new dimension in home video entertainment - The Super Famicom
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A specially modified Super Famicom consisting of a Control Deck, AC adapter, RGB Scart lead and an offricial Nintendo controller. This console is fully modified with the very latest Ikari_01 switchless modification board - no switches are added to the consoles, no holes drilled. The display can be changed by holding the reset switch - 50Hz /...
Also comes with an RGB scart lead included.
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A Specially modified Super Nintendo consisting of a Control Deck, AC adapter, RF lead and a controller. This console is fully modified with the very latest Ikari_01 switchless modification board - no switches are added to the consoles, no holes drilled. The display can be changed by holding the reset switch - 50Hz / 60Hz or Passive setting. The...
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