Website Temporary Closed

Hello everyone. We are moving to a new, bigger premises so website ordering will be closed for the next month while we move everything to our new building, reorganise and do a full stock take. We will not be taking any orders or able to reply to any messages during this time. We will be open again at the start of December. Many thanks. Console Passion

Bit Corp

Bit Corp

Tank Wars

This game is the plastic box version.

Spooky! Soldier! It seems to me you can never get rid of those tanks. Even if you have the Radar Base moved from one location to another, they just keep on tracing and threatening on you. Hmm! You look upset, but it's not the way to do it! You are not really going to ruin your previous honour in this war are you? I know you are ambitious. So keep your head just cross the bridge when you come to it. Otherwise that is the way this world will end.

Cosmic Crisis

This game is the plastic box version.

Feel the secret joy of the demons? As it is so badly haunted by those energetic demons, it seems that this time the world is terribly drawing to the crisis of surviving. In front of you will be the toughest enemies over met and you get to rely on yourself alone. No fighting though, it wouldn't do you any good; the only chance is the hammer in your hand and the intelligence in your head. Got it? Fine, now start and win a beautiful victory!

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